Rehearsals are going well for Our Country's Good! I'm so delighted to be playing Liz. Some aspects of her character come quite naturally to me, but there's still a lot to figure out - it's exciting.
Today we blocked what I think is one of the most moving scenes in the play. It is the scene in which one of the more vicious officers humiliates the convicts during a rehearsal - desperately sad and quite chilling to be part of. I find scenes like this can be quite hard to act. As myself, I want to cry. Looking at the scene from the outside in, I mean. But it doesn't necessarily make sense for the characters to cry. I think they're all a bit too terrified to even move; there's no time for emotion. So it's a matter of channelling that energy, that emotional impulse to cry, into something else. I think. Who knows, maybe we'll all be sobbing by the end.