theatre business

reels and things by Sarah Deller

feels like I was going to write about jigs and reels

I’m pleased I’ll be making a voiceover reel and a monologue reel in May! I was supposed to record the voiceover reel recently but had to reschedule due to a bad cold. I’m trying to see the positives… more time to prepare and learn about the industry! Timing feels a bit weird with the rise of AI and voice stealing (and of course my voice is sooooo steal-able 😈) but I guess I’ll deal with that if and when it is a problem. For now, learning, recovering from cold, doing a nice spring clean (and more reno!) on my living space!

hello please let me audition for you by Sarah Deller

how does one communicate passion and sincerity in a letter of introduction? I feel capable of reflecting earnest, intense love in journaling, in personal letters, and in fiction and nonfiction (where it is something else entirely).

but in a letter of introduction?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! when a sincere person and an insincere person could write something virtually identical?!?! when sincerity could sound desperate or cartoonish? perhaps that is the risk one must take.