the lass is back in class / by Sarah Deller

It's so nice getting back into the swing of things! As much as I love rehearsing, it is really, really awesome to have all this time to pursue other projects and areas of interest. 

I just got back from my first Cape Breton step dancing class! Rad time. But it reminded me of how much I've missed being part of the Gaelic / Scottish community here in the past couple years. Anyway, step dancing was great. I've always been so interested in different types of percussive dancing, but I've never really pursued it. As a kid I was completely obsessed with Riverdance and Feet of Flames, haha. I remember those were the only nights my mom really let me stay up, those nights that Riverdance was on. Maybe that's the real reason I liked it. 

Also, today I read at an audition for a short film I'm going to be part of. It was a great learning experience, actually - I was so relaxed because I was already cast and so I was just reading with others. There was no pressure or anything and I could just have fun and explore. Then I was like wait - could all my auditions could be like this?????? So relaxed???? Like i could do the acting????  like it could bE FUN???? So who knows if I'll be able to actually remind myself of that on days when I'm auditioning, but it was still a nice feeling. 

And this week I'll be able to start working on my Gaelic again - tha mi an dΓ²chas gum bi.